How Dangerous is Driving on New Year’s Eve in NJ?

New Year's Eve celebration friends cheering with champagne

While New Year’s Eve is a joyous time, these celebrations often come with great driving dangers. If you can stay off the road on New Year’s Eve, you should do so. However, if you must brave the roads, it’s important to understand why driving on New Year’s is particularly dangerous. If you have been injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, it’s in your best interest to contact an experienced Morris County Drunk Driving Accident Attorney who can help you fight for the justice you deserve. 

Why is Driving on New Year’s Eve Particularly Dangerous in NJ?

Once midnight strikes, New Year’s celebrations end, and millions take to the roads to make their way home. After a long night of drinking and playing games, most drivers are exhausted. When fatigue sets in it can significantly impair an individual’s ability to drive safely. Drowsy driving can lead to slower reaction times, reduced vigilance, and decreased attention to the road. According to research, driving tired can be as dangerous as drunk driving. The most serious risk associated with driver fatigue is falling asleep behind the wheel, which can dramatically increase the risk of a car accident.

Although drunk driving is a year-round public health problem, there is an elevated risk of an alcohol-related traffic fatality on New Year’s Eve. From the iconic midnight champagne toast to drinks at a social gathering in the hours leading up to the countdown, alcohol is a key component in many people’s New Year’s plans. It’s important to understand that it only takes a single drink to impair a person’s ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. As such, if you plan on drinking, you should secure alternative transportation. Even if you don’t drink, you must remain vigilant as some motorists may not drive responsibly.

What Should I Do if I’m Hit By a Drunk Driver?

In the unfortunate event that you are the victim of a New Jersey drunk driving accident, it’s important to understand the steps you must take to ensure your well-being and safeguard your legal rights. First, you must assess everyone at the scene of injuries and contact emergency services for help. After dialing 911, while you are waiting for the police to arrive, you should collect evidence from the scene. This includes taking photos of the accident scene, vehicle damage, and visible injuries. Additionally, take videos that show that the other driver was impaired, demonstrating slurred speech, stumbling, etc. If anyone witnessed the accident, collect their contact information as they may be able to corroborate your claim later on.

Upon the arrival of law enforcement, you should explain what happened, sticking to the facts. You should express your concerns about the other driver drinking and driving to the officer. This will encourage them to administer a field sobriety test and will make it much easier to prove negligence. If you were not taken to the hospital, you should still get yourself checked out as not all injuries are obvious or have delayed effects.

After suffering an injury on account of a drunk driving accident, contact an experienced lawyer from Lutz Injury Law, who can help you understand your rights and fight for the maximum compensation to which you are entitled. Connect with our firm today to discuss your case.


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